Most developed countries are experiencing increased ageing dramatically. The number of ageing population in the U.S. is rising as more baby boomers advance in age. Current records indicate that this trend will increase significantly by 135% in the coming decades (Wiener & Tilly). The ageing population has a significant impact on health care and personal care delivery. Senior members have a wide range of needs, such as healthcare (due to chronic ailments), home or personal care needs. Past records indicate that family members are unable to provide care as most young people live away from their parents or are too busy to accord daily care. In this scenario, demand …show more content…
One of the problems facing the eldest people is the not enough of human contact. So, the robot is able to provide social companion. The greatest fear for most seniors is living in elderly or nursing homes with strangers and sometimes healthcare providers. Robots solve this problem by promoting independence. Also, robots preserve the dignity of the elderly people especially when performing personal care such as toileting, bathing, and dressing. Most people have a personal dignity that should be respected. Some healthcare and home care institutions strip the elderly people of their dignity. In some cases, some caregivers and nurses use unprofessional language, when giving instructions to old people. especially if the care giver is a young person(Borenstein & Pearson 278). We know that human are social and they can not live on their own. Also we can not live with strangers people.The robots at the same time keep human dignity because there are some workers who work in the field of health care service do not respect the feelings of the …show more content…
Caregiving is not a simple task and the work involved is boring. Robots are given to make work easier, they help in lifting and moving elderly people. They help to of independence among the elderly people. Also, robots preserve the dignity of the elderly people especially when performing personal care such as toileting, bathing and dressing. Robots can provide human companion they can provide entertainment, help in reading, chat, teach and smile. Furthermore, robots can serve as a communication. However, robots are the best viable solution to the increased shortage of human