He also helped the Civil Rights Movement by playing baseball. According to William Rubinstein he states, “Brown vs. Board of Education decision 1954, the Birmingham bus Campaign and other landmarks of the civil rights campaign might have occurred without Rickey and Robinson, but the integration of baseball made them far more likely to succeed and to receive support from whites.” He made it easier for them to receive support from the whites which was a big deal and it helped out a lot. It was very shocking for them to get support from the whites. Robinson not only changed the world in baseball but also in civil …show more content…
He became head chairman of the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People. He raised an outstanding 1 million dollars for the organization. Robinson said in one of his speeches to his N.A.A.C.P. members, “Certainly if such revolutionary change can be brought about in baseball, it can be brought about in education, in transportation, and any other area of our American lives” (Anderson and Moser n.pag.). He also marched in many marches and he participated in many protest. He also gave speeches to people about interrogation. He walked in one of the most famous marches the March on Washington in Washington D.C. where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I have a Dream Speech.” He also was an outspoken opponent of the racial discrimination. He resigned from the N.A.A.C.P. in 1967 because he thought the leader of one of the factions was being racist and being discriminating. He also helped create the Freedom National Bank to help black business owners and other minorities receive loans that they would not be able to get from white banks. Robinson also helped push for black managers and coaches. He did not play in the Old- Timers game in 1969 because white owners still had not hired any black coaches or managers. Finally his persistence paid off when a black manager was hired in 1975, it was right after Robinson passed away so he never got to see