“The immigration debates always focus on small brown bodies jumping fences and scooting through the brush of our Southwestern states (land that was Mexico about 150 years ago).”The media always wants …show more content…
The politicians will argue back and forth about building fences. The only way the American citizens will learn the value of the immigrants’ workers is when the fences are build. After the fences are building and vegetable prizes will rise and construction site will not have cheap labor. The Politian’s will reconsider the fence control. We need to look at are history United States of America is an immigrants country. It is melting pot of many different nationalities. At one point or another many American citizen can go back couple or many generation to see they were children of immigrants and maybe undocumented workers. The politicians included in this. The politicians approved guest workers five years working and never would be qualified to apply for citizenship. We need learn from our European neighbors. As Pilard said we should learn from Germany. Who took guest workers after many years it caused separation. Those guest workers children who had no idea of their parents native country was treated as guest workers. The problem of the country was blamed on immigrants. These had many negative effects. Immigrants bring cheap labor to America many studied showed that without that cheap labor many of the prices of vegetables and fruits will be high.
Pilard made many valid points in her essay. There had to be something done with the problem of the immigrants. However, the blame should not be only the immigrants. After all United States is immigrant country. From Christopher Columbus coming to United States, and returning back to Europe saying he found new world. Ellis Island immigrants coming to united States for freedom, and job opportunity. We need to find a solution to leave together and give a change to immigrants. After all those immigrants will start paying tax and economy will grow for the