In Exodus, Moses did not go seeking justice on his own. He was walking along in the desert and happened to stumble upon a burning bush and happened to be the one chosen to fight for justice. Without prior knowledge, Moses was in God’s plan all along to free the Israelites from Egypt, but was never revealed until that moment. If Moses had simply shrugged off all of God’s commands and tried to run away from these responsibilities, it would have been much more difficult for the Israelites to achieve justice if there one advocate was extremely unwilling to cooperate. If Moses also did not share a similar definition of justice as God and believed more in the Pharaoh, the journey would not have worked well. Furthermore, God’s use of the plagues not only proved that obedience towards Him is always important, but that He is very good at persuasion. The use of making the Pharaoh’s life miserable and hardening his heart gave the Israelites a better chance of achieving justice than there was before (Exodus
In Exodus, Moses did not go seeking justice on his own. He was walking along in the desert and happened to stumble upon a burning bush and happened to be the one chosen to fight for justice. Without prior knowledge, Moses was in God’s plan all along to free the Israelites from Egypt, but was never revealed until that moment. If Moses had simply shrugged off all of God’s commands and tried to run away from these responsibilities, it would have been much more difficult for the Israelites to achieve justice if there one advocate was extremely unwilling to cooperate. If Moses also did not share a similar definition of justice as God and believed more in the Pharaoh, the journey would not have worked well. Furthermore, God’s use of the plagues not only proved that obedience towards Him is always important, but that He is very good at persuasion. The use of making the Pharaoh’s life miserable and hardening his heart gave the Israelites a better chance of achieving justice than there was before (Exodus