A wise man once said that behind every great man there’s an even greater woman. However, based on many reasons, not all relationships can stay true to this quote as it suggests. The feeling of interconnection comes from both sides of a relationship where a healthy and strong bond has been created. In contrast however, some relationships can out bring negative energy usually caused by lack of caring for one another. This idea of love being a confusing yet powerful feeling is easily visible in the play Macbeth written by Shakespeare. To put it in other words, the thought of love in Macbeth is written as a prominent aspect throughout the play but can be confusing and misleading to the reader at times. One such example of puzzling love can be traced to the affiliation of Lady Macbeth and the Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth. To tell the truth, in most cases, it seems as if these two important characters have no connection at all …show more content…
However, his wife, Lady Macbeth, is introduced and shown to have similar characteristics and thoughts as Macbeth as she believes the “future is in the instant” as she receives the news that he has been granted the title of Thane (1.5.62). This mutual relationship shows that they are interconnected in one way which is the craving for power. For instance, Macbeth tells her that “Duncan comes here tonight” (1.5.64) and she replies with-“O, never/Shall sun that morrow see” (1.5.68-69). This shows that while Macbeth is showing his gratitude of being Thane of Cawdor, Lady Macbeth on the other hand is telling him to “Only look up clear [Macbeth]” (1.5.79), which shows that she is already making plans to gain him more power. She plans to do this by killing King Duncan so Macbeth can automatically become king. This also means that she becomes queen and Macbeth