As a good mentor to Katniss and Peeta, Haymitch gives them useful advice to help them survive from the Hunger Games. In Chapter 7, he asks Katniss and Peeta to show him the skills they have, and he tells them to “spend the time trying to learn something you don’t know” …show more content…
In chapter 4, Haymitch tells them “you’ll be put in the hands of your stylists. You’re not going to like what they do to you. But no matter what it is, don’t resist”. (Collins 57). Haymitch knows the sponsors are vital to Katniss and Peeta, without sponsors, they wouldn’t get any help in the game, and any sort of help would make a huge difference in the game. If Katniss and Peeta want to get some sponsors, the best thing they could do is to follow the instructions of their stylists. Only if they looks attractive and charming, they could get rich people to sponsor them. More than that, Haymitch also tries to help Katniss to prepare for the interview. Only Katniss performes well in the interview, she could get people to like her and to get sponsors. Haymitch tries out to figure out what to do with Katniss, he asks himself “How we’re going to present you. Are you going to be charming? Aloof? Fierce?”. (Collins 114). But Katniss is too hostile to the people in the Capitol, she is not willing to cater them, so she gives up Haymitch’s plan. Even though Haymitch’s plan doesn’t work for Katniss, but he demonstrates he is a good mentor or at least he demonstrates that he is trying to be a good mentor, trying to help Katniss to get sponsors. During the game, Katniss receives her “first gift from a sponsor”, that’s “a small plastic pot” which “Haymitch must have had it sent in during the anthem”. (Collins 183). Haymitch delivers Katniss the medicine at the rightest moment. Without it, the burn could kill Katniss. This pot of medicine greatly erase the pain, cure the firing burn, save Katniss’s life. Ergo, Haymitch is a good and reliable mentor, he uses his experience wisely to get sponsors for Katniss and Peeta, because of this, Katniss and Peeta could survive from the 75th Hunger