Long before all the laws that got women to be able to do things like get the right to vote, have high paying jobs or even be able to wear clothing that were above their knees, they had to go through many hardships. Beginning in the late 50’s though, the women began to get irritated with the way society was treating them and the inability for them to get a job and be equal with the men (“Women 's Liberation Movement” 2008 December)). Between the years of 1963 and 1970, there was a movement that some women might say was just as important as the suffrage movement. This was called the women’s liberation movement. This movement is still in some ways still going on, and has been for the past 100 years. (“Women 's Liberation Movement” 2008 December)). The fight that has been going on between women and being equal has always been fought many times and won 't stop until the battle to be equal is over.
Before the 1920’s, women had one one role. That role was to be the caregiver of the home which required them to do all the cooking, cleaning and raising the children. They did this while the men would go off to work and support the family. The women at this point would not be hired for many types of jobs just because they were women. Then when …show more content…
Without it, women would not be considered as equal or respected in the workplace as men as they are in modern society. This movement is arguably the most influential component of women’s rights and its impact has changed women’s lives in the past, present, and will continue to do so in the future. Although the fight for equality between genders is ongoing and will take a great deal of time to be achieved, the tireless women of the past and present continue to prove to the world that women are more than just models and housekeepers and that their contributions to society can match that of a man or even exceed