This statement is ironic because it infers that Daisy herself is not a fool in this world and this tortures her. In reality Daisy’s ignorance of the world tortures her, not her ability to see reality. Daisy ignorantly thinks that her relationships with both Tom and Gatsby are going to work out perfectly. With Tom Daisy does not fight her husband on his sexual relationship with another women, she lets it knowingly happen and does little to nothing about it. She allows for herself to be cheated on and everyone knows that she has been continuously cheated on, so why does she stay? Does Daisy wish to appear strong by standing by her cheating husband? Daisy ignores this reality that she does not come off as a strong person, she comes off as someone who is weak, used, and walked over. Nick describes the picture in which he saw Daisy and Tom after the love affair between Daisy and Gatsby became revealed. Nick describes Daisy and Tom in saying “They weren’t happy, and neither of them touched the chicken or ale-and yet they weren’t unhappy either”(145). To stay in a relationship where neither of the people have no happiness is ignorance, why would someone choose to do something like that? Love should add to your life, not take away from it. So if no one has happiness in that relationship, what are the reasons for staying in it? Daisy also has ignorance in her relationship with …show more content…
Its impact reaches out much further than the life of the ignorant person; it has the possibility of affecting family members, friends, and even more people beyond this. Love is commonly associated with ignorance and this is dangerous. Gatsby did not live a life of his own, only one for Daisy. Tom and Daisy both did not think of how their outside relationships would affect other people, and Myrtle did not only ignore the effects on other people but also allowed for herself to be in an abusive relationship. None of these people ended up in a happy ideal relationship in the end of the book, none of it happened how they thought it would. They were ignorant of the impacts of their choices and faced the dangers of ignorance in doing