It’s you, ain’t it, boy” she said in her husky, gentle voice. “Uh…” he couldn’t bring himself to speak; fear and love possessed him at the same time. “Yes’m. It’s me, Roger” “You ought to wash your face again.” she gave a pause, but then started again. “What’s your purpose here, boy?”
“I was just looking around, I promise, ma'am. I wasn’t doing anything else. Swear on my life” Roger sprayed the words out of his mouth like a hose bursting with …show more content…
You yourself have made me a different person as well. I realize that it is good to appreciate everyone and their qualities. You can’t be too judgemental, ‘cause everybody goes through hard times. Now, here. Let me see those shoes. I’ll buy them for you and make sure no one steals them this time around.”
“Are you sure? You really don’t need to do this.” Roger looked up at her, but her face was stern and serious about the purchase.
“Yes, I am. And I’ll walk you home afterward”
She proceeded to the checkout and paid for the shoes. The cashier gave them both rude looks, and it occurred to Roger that he didn’t have a home.
“Mrs. Jones, I don’t have a home,” he told her as they were leaving the store.
The wind plowed at them but Mrs. Jones walked through it. “I know, Roger. I’m taking you to my house. You can live there for as long as you want.” She did not move her head. Roger’s face glowed with delight. “If there’s one thing I learned, son,” Mrs. Jones started, “it’s that everyone -- and I mean everyone -- deserves a second chance; there ain’t no changing that.”
They both strolled off into the distance, hand in hand. It was then that Roger knew that Mrs. Jones was the mother he had always wanted. The sun began to set across the horizon with a pinkish-red color -- like the ending scene in a