The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal Entry

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I leaned against Zach, wrapping his arm around my shivering body. He squeezed me closer to him and I whimpered slightly. We walked out to the car. I could feel the looks of the people who saw that beating. I looked at the ground, face filled with red. “It’s your fault. He’s mad at you.” Depression said slowly, smiling. I looked at Zach, then back down when I saw that he was glaring at the car. I know… “Aren’t you gonna cry? Like the big baby you are?” I can’t yet. People. “True…” “What was that about?” Zach growled. My eyes snapped to his face. Not now, please… “Zach-“ I pleaded. “No. You need to tell me. Now.” Zach said, looking down at me. I gulped, looking away. He was pissed, and it was my fault. My heart pounded at the thought …show more content…
I let out a small scream, shutting my eyes. He cursed softly, taking my hand, “Alex, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry.” “I-It’s okay.” I stuttered. He kissed my knuckles. I gripped his hand as he pulled off to a side road. “Baby,” Zach spoke after a second, “How long has he been doing that?” I sighed, “I don’t know.” Lie. Since the first day of middle school. “How long has he been hitting you?” “I don’t remember.” Third day of last school year. “I’m assuming you don’t remember the amount of times he’s done it?” “Yup.” Every school day since middle school started. Which meant that it could easily be recounted. “He’s gonna find out.” I wasn’t sure who was talking; Depression Alex, or Anxiety Alex. Maybe both. Zach growled protectively, letting my hand go and punching the wheel. I flinched, and I felt my heart drop. I looked into his eyes, only to see anger. I sighed softly, looking away. It was quiet, too quiet for my liking. I reached forward and turned the radio on.

Baby, I have no story to be told
But I've heard one on you

I blushed and changed the station.

And I'm gonna make your head
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Seriously? How is that even possible? “That is either very cool,“ I spoke, “or very weird. I have yet to decide.” Zach barked out a laugh, “Right?” The music-related-ness has been happening for years now, since before I was adopted the first time. I called it my little coincidence. I loved it so much, and I learned to love music because of it. I just never thought it’d get to the point of changing the radio stations to the same song. “How far away do you live?” I asked after a few minutes. “Half an hour, forty-five minutes.” Zach estimated. I looked at Zach, “Seriously?” I was a little panicked. “Yeah, half an hour from your house.” Zach grinned at me. I sighed softly. I pushed my hair back into my pony tail and smiled at Zach. I could still see his anger, but he smiled at me. “It’s still your fault.” Logic didn’t speak up again. About 15 minutes later, I finished a call with my father. “He seemed happy.” Zach commented. “Yeah, he just got home last night.” I said, grinning. I was so excited to go out to eat with him tomorrow, we’d been planning this since last time he was home. We were going to go to Steak-n’-Shake, and get the priciest shakes, and the best food we could possibly afford. It was our father-daughter

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