By the only breakout being must maintain its neighbour, relations that are of a ritual nature. However, Confucio clarifies that the ren is so high that it does not recognize almost anyone the ability to achieve it. You can only be achieved thanks to the efforts made "about yourself to return to the universal spirit", trying to understand that feeling of benevolence in the hierarchy of a country after having done the whole of humanity. Therefore, the first duty of the human being is to practice righteousness and benevolence or humanitarianism, social virtues which cannot be taken without the participation in public
By the only breakout being must maintain its neighbour, relations that are of a ritual nature. However, Confucio clarifies that the ren is so high that it does not recognize almost anyone the ability to achieve it. You can only be achieved thanks to the efforts made "about yourself to return to the universal spirit", trying to understand that feeling of benevolence in the hierarchy of a country after having done the whole of humanity. Therefore, the first duty of the human being is to practice righteousness and benevolence or humanitarianism, social virtues which cannot be taken without the participation in public