The Glass Castle Moving

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In The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, the family endures a lot of hardships, one of which includes moving from place to place. They hardly stayed anywhere for more than a week, and moved more times than they could count to avoid the law and payments. Jeannette usually had a hard time making friends, so it would have been difficult for her. They eventually stopped the constant relocating, and settled in Welch, West Virginia. Moving was always one of the hardest things for me to do as I was growing up. My Dad’s job had us moving often when I was a kid, and I didn’t know how to cope with it. Switching schools, leaving all of friends behind, and going to live in a brand new place I’d never been to intimidated me a lot. I’m more of a quiet/shy person by nature, which made readjusting in a new place more challenging. Although Jeannette’s situation was much more extreme than mine in The Glass Castle, I think I can relate to her about the stressfulness of moving away from your town, school, and friends. …show more content…
It felt sort of like in the book when Jeannette says, “We moved around like nomads” (Walls 19). I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, and my family moved to Zanesville, Ohio when I was about nine months old. That move was hardly a tragic experience for me seeing as I don’t remember it, so I don’t think it really counts. I lived in Zanesville until I was almost nine years old. This was the only place I had ever known, and when my parents said that we were moving, I was in complete disbelief. I had friends that I couldn’t imagine leaving, and I liked everything about living in Zanesville. We moved to Bloomington, Indiana, partly because of my dad’s job and partly because our entire family lives in Indiana. This first move was by far the hardest and most stressful for

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