Abnormal electroencephalography discoveries have been observed in individuals with antisocial PD who committed crimes. One of the most often reported abnormalities is the persistence of slow waves in the temporal lobes. Per Eysenck and Gudjonsson, who formed the General Arousal Theory of Criminality, there is a biological condition that causes the behavioral predispositions of psychopaths. These individuals with this “biological condition” are likely to be extroverted, impulsive thrill seekers, displaying that they possess a nervous system that’s insensitive to low levels of stimulation, meaning they are hard to please and are typically hyperactive in childhood. Therefore, to satisfy their need for such high levels of stimulation, they participate in high-risk activities, such as crime. The ICD-10 describes eight types of specific PDs:
1. Paranoid PD is characterized by self-referential thinking: the individual often doesn’t trust others, oversensitivity to setbacks, and the perception of constantly being victimized. (Morana et al. 2006)
2. Schizoid PD is predominated by detachment, the individual is considered anti-social, possesses a lack of interest in social contact, affective withdrawal, tends to not feel pleasure, and a tendency to be self-conscious or judge oneself. (Morana et al. …show more content…
Therefore, only the most violent, gruesome, sexually sadistic exploitation of its victim can bring a serial killer out of an emotional trench and bring back the feeling of life again, temporarily enabling the serial killer to feel “normal” until the urge to murder builds back up again. (Miller 2014) In the legal sense, although the compulsion to kill may be powerful, it is not considered an irresistible impulse. Therefore, just because a killer says that another personality is taking over, doesn’t mean that he will be diagnosed with multiple personality disorder and not go to prison. The serial killer knows what it’s doing, and has volitional control over its actions, the serial killers chooses to kill because it thrives on the thrill and relief from its state of inner conflict. This sort of relief method is like how a drug addict compulsively thrives for their