The Five Pillars Of Islam Analysis

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Islam is a monotheistic religion that began in the Middle East, much like Christianity and Judaism, yet Islam is much more misunderstood. The prophet Muhammad founded the religion of Islam, and Muslims pray to Allah, or God, five times a day. Now, in 2015, you can find Muslims all over the world, much like Christians and Jews. The religion of Islam was founded by the prophet Muhammad in 632 . He wrote a book called The Qur’an, and all Muslims follow the rules written in the book. One of the examples is The Five Pillars of Islam. The first pillar, Shahadah, is Faith. Muslims recite a declaration of faith that means, “ There is no god but God and Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Muslims also believe that there is a judgement day when God …show more content…
If you pray in a mosque, men and women pray in separate lines, and everyone faces a niche in the wall called a mihrab. The mihrab faces Makkah. The mosques have beautiful art inside, but it can not depict living things. Instead, there are beautiful mosaics and tiles with intricate geometric patterns. If you do not pray at a mosque, or even if you do, you’ll hear the call to prayer 5 times a day. In this age, the call to prayer is normally recorded and played, but it used to be and still happens in some cities that a muezzin stands on the top of the minaret of a mosque, and sings a call to prayer so you know when it’s time to pray.

In 2015, you can find Muslims praying almost all around the world. The geography of Islam is huge, meaning that Muslims are spread all over the world. From Arabia, Islam spread throughout the Middle East, across North Africa, across Spain, Central Asia, and nearly to China. Islam is the dominant religion in the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn Of Africa. Islam started out small, like any group, but are now a huge community spread all over the

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