The Fall Of Wall Street Part One Source Analysis Essay

Improved Essays
The Fall of Wall Street
Part One Source Analysis
1. This picture is taken in Wall Street in late 1920s to early 1930s. It is shown when the description explains how the photo was taken during the fall of stock values, which happened on October 29, 1929 (Rosenberg, The Stock Market Crash of 1929).

b. The situation occurring in this photo is that there are many traders withdrawing stocks and selling their shares since the value of the stocks and their shares were falling. They knew that their stocks and shares will soon be almost of no value, though because of the massive withdrawal of stocks, it decreased the value even more.

c. The cause of the Fall of Wall Street is because of the prosperous times after the war where many people felt free.
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The value of stocks started to rise tremendously before it reached its peak. After, people realised the stocks were almost certain to fall, the small wave of people became a tsunami, each fighting to sell or withdrawal their stocks.

2. This picture was taken in New York on one of the streets. The exact street is very difficult to verify since the picture is in black and white and does not possess very defining features.

b. The situation that is occurring in this photograph is most likely after the crash of Wall Street. The woman’s clothing indicate that she is a fairly rich woman since not many people were able to buy expensive fur coats or high heels. She body shape also indicates that she does not starve often with its plump shape.

The woman is selling apples, with a sign over it claiming that she in unemployed. This sign is most likely directed to have effect on people who walk past’s sympathy.

3. Source 1 shows Wall Street and many people withdrawing their stocks. The time is most likely before the Great Depression where people are still relatively happy and
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I have come to this conclusion because of several reasons, all stemming from sources 1 to 4.
Germany would not have only been burdened with the consequences of war for themselves, but also a lot of pressure from the Treaty of Versailles. The clauses above would most likely have been the ones of most severe impact towards the German people. Clause 119 was most likely possessed the largest amount of impact. It forced Germany to renounce all of its oversea possessions, stopping their oversea development and pushing back their stance in the world.
Clause 160 would have affected people by ‘kicking’ out many people from the already weakened army. The people who were forced to leave the army would be unemployed and would also have had a large amount of abuse due to people’s resentment and bitterness for not winning the

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