To begin, organ donation gives …show more content…
Parents, grandparents, and even children are in need of new organs to be able to live. According to AllAfrica (2015), “In 2014-15, 73 deceased donors supported 173 life-saving operations; but sadly, 12 people died while waiting for a transplant” (p. 1). With such a high shortage of organs to be donated doctors have to make difficult decisions on who on the list gets their new organs first. The newborn Jace Riley, discussed in the beginning, “due to a shortage of organs, waited months, while he fought for his life” (McClatchy 2015, pg. 1). There are new ways being evolved to decrease the waiting list. One is, “lawmakers are considering legislation that allows compensation to donors to encourage more live organ donations” (Klotzko 2016, pg. 1). Also some counties have what is called a presumed consent which is when the patient has died and the doctor has the right to remove their organs unless there is a written note from them saying