We as women seek freedom and liberty of wanting what we want and being able to go out there and get it. There should have never been an era where men had such great power over women. They shouldn’t live with the inability of not being able to be heard. All these women wanted the right to vote, to make grievances and to be able to meet as a group. They felt as though they had every right to obtain an education as well as more knowledge to become better workers. They didn’t feel it was all right to sit back and just allow men to take control, it wasn’t that they wanted to take a men’s authority. However, they felt like they had every right as well as a man. It wasn’t fair for the men to be able to attend social gatherings & clubs and voiced their opinion while their women backstage at home feeding and nursing their kids. I came across the women of the third states, they weren’t born wealthy but some ran the chances of marrying wealthy man. Women often faced many battles and tribulations in order to survive all due to the inconsideration, and discrimination towards women itself. It was said, “If nature had refused them beauty they get married, without a dowry, to unfortunate artisans; lead aimless, difficult lives stuck in the provinces; and give birth to children they are incapable of raising”. However with all this commotion going on of women …show more content…
Their job was to stay at home taking care of the kids, while cooking and cleaning. Some even had to help out with their husband farms. While others even gotten tired of just being at home knitting their lives away. While men had the best education, best jobs and best life opportunity to grow. This gave the women a right to rebel for their women’s right. Leading them in August 8, 1920 the right to vote. Their goals weren’t unique they consisted of “Article XIII: For the support of the public force and the expenses of administration, the contributions of woman and man are equal; she shares all the duties and all the painful tasks; therefore, we must have the same share in the distribution of positions, employment, offices, honors, and jobs”. I don’t quiet understand what made a man better than us during this era of the women’s suffrage movement. Their fight to be heard is what lead this poor women to achieve their rights as equal as men. Even today we see Women are indeed expanding their selves by reaching out to the workforce, attending and graduating college and completing higher degrees than what men are achieving. Although women are achieving all of these great achievements we are still not seeing men decline at all that is just considered as a myth. We are also seeing woman obtaining higher degrees than men, yet women are still at lower positions. It is of great belief that we still