The LGBT Rights Movement In The Late 20th Century

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Prior to the late 20th century, being homosexual was seen as an immoral sickness, disease, and was criminally punishable to varying extents in different countries. For more than half of the 20th century, in fact, the LGBT Rights Movement (under various names) was something that LGTBQ+ people could get behind and demand the rights and proper treatment that they deserved. Before these movements, LGTBQ+ people were unable to express who they truly were and they were bound by societal rules and fear to conform socially and emotionally. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is first reported to have moved to San Francisco 1976 which nearly coincided with the beginning LGBT Rights Movement; which was the most successful when considering the movements that came before it. In a sense, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) can be interpreted as a literal representation of the stigma and misrepresentation that LGBTQ+ people had to endure before the LGBT Rights Movement began; this even more apparent in The Normal Heart. Everything that was gained during the movement (and those that came before it) was therefore threatened by this plague that could have simply washed away the hard work and progress made. HIV/AIDS threatened to shame homosexuals into reverting back to these behaviours that predominated before the beginning of the LGBT Rights Movement. This caused homosexuals to fight not only for their lives, but also for their newly established rights, in turn creating a fervours and successful movement that predominated for decades. People that continued to disagree with the LGBT Rights Movement had found a proper excuse for their distaste: HIV/AIDS. With AIDS initially being called Gay Related Immune Deficiency (GRID) an unmistakable effort for the majority to impose its views and discredit the LGBTQ+ community became increasingly apparent. This view that allowed for a clear and undeniable attempt to shift the blame to an already ostracized LGBTQ+ population. This way also saw the majorities keeping with the age-old trend of people becoming the living embodiment of the disease(s) they contracted. People that had become afflicted with HIV/AIDS (PHA) were no longer viewed as people in the mainstream society, they were viewed as AIDS; they were its living embodiment. Before the majority of the public even began to blame LGBTQ+ people, for HIV/AIDS, they tried to deny the plague altogether by ignoring it. By blaming the LGBTQ+ community, the majorities thought that they would be able to discredit their movements even further rather than including them in society. Different names, theories, and plots have been suggested for why the government lacked action in the early days of the epidemic, however the most probable one would be a lack of interest and care for the LGBTQ+ population. Defined as a plague, perhaps it was first thought of as a quick and easy way to remove something that the government deemed a ‘pest’. To much surprise, instead of letting the low, degrading tactics employed by the majority of …show more content…
Perhaps this motivation came from the fact that a new movement for rights and justice had just begun and was only just starting to take off. This ultimately led to protests, riots, and many groups that were not only pro-gay but were also fighting for a cure for HIV/AIDS. The fear of dying caused a strong retaliation, this, in turn, gave more than enough reason for an even more prominent LGBT Rights Movement. Just as people did not ask to contract cancer, people also did not ask to contract HIV, separate groups such as ACT UP and Gay Men’s Health Crisis took great strides to make this fact indisputable. By criticizing the way PHA were not receiving treatment, funding, or progress, it became very discernable to the public eye that, even if they did not agree with the lifestyle that LGBTQ+ people lived, something truly unjust was taking place. These movements soon began to snowball and an ever-increasing number of people began to join and were fighting for the lives, individuality, and rights of the LBGTQ+ community. PHA defied what the majorities thought and showed them a different way of thinking, essentially ending the predominate way of viewing people as the embodiment of their

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