With all this new research and studies being done, the bad side of weed is coming to light and there are some credible threats out there. Since the studies marijuana are fairly new the testing of the side-effects are limited to preliminary testing on animals, and in some cases on humans, but nevertheless the threat is still there. One of the more common effects that weed has on you is that it gives you anxiety, raises your heart rate, and raises your blood pressure, but these side-effects go away once you gain a tolerance or you stop smoking. Comparatively those are minor side-effects. A recent study done on animals where they gave high doses of THC to them showed, "lower testosterone secretion, impairs sperm production, motility, and viability, and disrupts the ovulatory …show more content…
Colorado having weed be legalized in November 2012 with a 55% approval rating, it gave America a look at what could happen financially in their state if they were to legalize it to. Colorado now with the $700 million dollar industry of marijuana is sitting pretty with all their new tax revenue. Medical weed isn 't all of that though, medical had $386 million in sales compared to $313 million in recreational. Combined to equal to $63 million in taxes, and it is said to grow even more. That number doesn 't even include products related to weed, or hotels and food bought by tourist who are there for the weed. Not all is good though, since it is still illegal on the federal level people in the weed business don’t qualify for the tax reductions of owning a business. Along with the fight against the federal government, the population of homeless people have skyrocketed, the cost of law enforcement increased, tourist money not going towards other attractions, and the spike in education problems in middle school and high school level. All this can level out all the good and possibly overcome it if something isn 't done.
Medical marijuana is highly disputed because both sides have great arguments and will continue to be until we know all things about it, and even then people still won 't see eye