Over the past couple of years, the number of tragedies that have occurred due to peoples’ actions have steadily maintained at an unfavourable rate. Even though the majority of these people would have faced the death penalty following the logic of people advocating capital punishment, severe crimes persist. As reported by the BBC, “There have been 294 mass shootings - defined as an incident in which four or more people are killed or injured by gun - so far in 2015, more than one per day. Over the same period, there have been 45 shootings at schools, and 142 such incidents since the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary on 14 December 2012 - although those figures include occasions when a gun was fired but no-one was hurt”(Gunter 8). These statistics reign from the United States- where capital punishment is still legal. In recent memory, there have been numerous incidents in various parts of the United States that involved the slaughter of multiple people by the hands of few people. With social media and the news reporting all instances and spreading awareness of the dangers, one could infer that more people would avoid committing such atrocities. But for one reason or another, many people are still committing these heinous shooting sprees and disregard the consequences that come …show more content…
The justice system a nation adopts effects all that wander the premises of its court. For Canada’s sake, capital punishment should not be allowed in its criminal justice system due to negative impacts. To conclude, criminals that are sentenced to the death penalty would not have to be accountable for their actions as they are quickly dismissed of their wrongdoings through what could also be classified as state-assisted suicide. Also, the justifications and morality of capital punishment is blurred and controversial as the excess amount of power judges have is unbearable as death is a sensitive subject that should be respected regardless of authority. Likewise, other sentences such as life in prison are much more deterring than the death penalty. As the wise Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty”. Ultimately, progression is the