The Dark Knight is a good example …show more content…
One of the things that were done wrong in this movie was the timing of the movie. The movie is almost two hours long, which could be considered a problem. The Dark Knight is one hour and fifty two minutes. While the average movie is only an hour and thirty. There is not much of a time difference between the average movie time, and the actual running time of this one, but the difference could have an effect on the person viewing it. The average attention span of a person is only eight seconds. With a movie like The Dark Knight being as long as it is, and with the average time span going down from twelve seconds in 2000, people could lose focus and miss out on important plot information quickly. (Watson) The Dark Knight is a highly viewed and rated film. This is a movie that I would recommend to my friends and family, as well as a stranger on the street. Everything about this movie was done well. The plot, the scenes and the filming, and even the wardrobe and actors. In fact, a popular movie database, IMDB, has named The Dark Knight number four on the top two hundred and fifty movies of all time. (IMDb) This is definitely a movie that should be watched, and see what all the great fuss is