The Crucible And Death Of A Salesman Analysis

Superior Essays
America was built by the dreams of people hoping for better lives. The dream for a better life is now engraved into american society, and because of this authors like Arthur Miller and John Steinbeck explore the ideology of the “American dream” in their books. Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and Crucible both share a common theme with John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men; They all follow characters who dream of better lives that they never attain. In Death of a Salesman Willy Loman never had the selling skills to make it big as a salesman. In The Crucible Abigail williams’s attempts her dream of being with the married John Proctor but only gets John killed in the process. In Of Mice and Men ranch workers like George and Lennie never get paid …show more content…
Abigail is a bossy self-centered girl that wants to continue an affair she had with the married John Proctor. Abigail decides the best way to win John over is to kill his wife with a curse.Then, Abigail gets caught and starts a blame game that will give rise to the salem witch trials. John Proctor, while in court trying to prove abigail's accusations of witchcraft to be for an ulterior motive John claims, “ She thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore’s vengeance, you must see it” (Miller 221). Abigails attempts at winning John over by framing his wife through witch trial has only caused John to retaliate by confessing to their affair in front of the court. John’s confession not only hurts abigail's plan of killing his wife but also means he has completely denounced his relationship with abigail. Abigail’s whole plan was in vain when you consider that john never wanted to continue the affair in the first place whether he had a wife or not. Later, Abigail is able to shift the blame off of her but in the process John Proctor takes the fall and gets convicted of using witchcraft. After John’s long time spent in jail the judges come forth with dire news, “ Goody Proctor, your husband is marked to hang this morning” (Miller 234). This is the ultimate failure …show more content…
Ranch workers like George and Lennie are a dime a dozen in Of Mice And Men. They work for tiny wages on other peoples farms and none of them have land of their own. Like the majority of ranch workers George and Lennie both dream of owning a ranch of their own despite having nowhere near enough to afford one. Crooks a stable-hand, upon listening to George and Lennie's plan he retorts, “Hundreds of them. They come, an they quit an, go on; an, every damn one of em’s got a little piece of land in his head. An’ never a god damn one of em’ ever gets it.” (Steinbeck 74). Crooks has seen many ranch workers just like George and lennie; So for Crooks to put down their dream must mean he truly does know their dream isn't possible. If not one ranch work that has come through was able buy their own ranch like George and Lennie want then it must mean they aren't even paid enough to make that kind of purchase. Later, As George came to a realization he says to Candy who was in on their plan, “I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her. He ust like to hear it so much I got to thinking we would.” (Steinbeck 94). Unlike Willy and Abigail George has the sense to realise realistically their dreams aren't possible in the world they live in. George and Lennie’s dreams and many others in Of Mice and Men were undermined by the reality that the purchase of land is forever above their

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