The Cost Of College Tuition In America

Improved Essays
College tuitions are rising faster than medical cost, inflation, and defiantly the income of almost all Americans. With college tuitions rising so fast how are the people supposed to afford to go college. Most people will ask themselves, is college worth the cost, where does all of our money go that we pay in tuition, will we have to pay for it all, and other questions along that line. College tuition is the price colleges charge for classes. Students at a university or community college will also have other fees consisting of housing, food, books, tutors, and supplies. Students will also have additional college fees, living expenses such as internet and utility’s, and transportation cost as well. The cost of attending an in state public two-year college is $3,347 per year, an instate four-year college cost up to 9,139 per year (TCB 4). Out of state tuition is much more expensive. The cost of a four-year college for out of state students is $22, 958 (TCB 4). That is over double of what it cost for in state students. As college tuition is extremely high, it’s often more affordable than you think. The cost of college depends on which one you go to and how much financial aid, and scholarships you receive. The price of college tuition’s listed above is not the actual price most people will pay, it is often much less. Financial aid is any grant or scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to help students pay for some of his or her college expenses (FAAA 1). This aid is provided by various sources such as corporations, foundations, colleges, federal and state agencies, and high Kruse 2 schools (2). Although many students will receive some sort of financial aid many will not qualify for it and will not receive it. College tuition is rising faster than medical …show more content…
Where is all of that money going to? Is a question that many college students have, it is one where there is very little information on and not talked about often. Most people think that the majority of there tuition goes towards paying for there classes which would then pay the faculty members who teach those classes, but that is just where a part of there tuition goes. Other costs involved in a college budget consist of research, auxiliary enterprise such as athletics, academic support, operations and maintenance, scholarships, depreciation, and hospital services (Harriman 3). College tuition is much more than just paying your professors. But why is it still rising when it seems unavoidable already? There has been a decrease in state funding and an increase in spending (4). So community colleges and university colleges are receiving less funding, but are spending more to help improve their colleges in different ways. The tuition we pay helps pay helps cover some of their extra spending that is not being funded by the state. Is college worth the cost? Many many students ask themselves daily. Some may think that going to college is just not worth it when they can get a job right out of high school. But then there’s many that go to college and pay all that money and second guess themselves, is it really worth it. Many studies’ have been done to prove that the cost of college is worth it in the long run. In todays world more and more jobs are requiring a college degree for many

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