Skepticism and cynicism are two different things. Skepticism is the idea of not being gullible, you think about facts and evidence before believing an idea, whereas in cynicism one denies the hypothesis or claim outright due to prefaced biases. When following the scientific method, which consists of observation, generalization, interpretation, explanation, and prediction one should always be skeptical about hypothesis but not cynical. For example, consider the given scenario: A biker traveled at 250 miles per hour on a motorcycle on I-4 on a standard motorcycle. I think it’s fair to say using organized skepticism that the following event probably did not occur because standard motorcycles are not equipped to go at such a fast rate.
The Hawthorne effect is the saying that there is no such thing as reality TV because behavior gets changed when people watch them. For example, when no one is at home or watching me, I might be walking around without a shirt on but with others around all clothing stays on. Reality TV does not exist because perception and ideas change when others observe and make judgments about you. It is instinctual to have a feeling of belonging to the group, so one will change or modify his behavior to adapt to the group’s …show more content…
She grew up during the industrial revolution and is widely considered to be the father of functionalist theory. She did the first major research project in history on suicide and came up with influential information regarding suicide. The majority of her work revolved around studying the glue that held people together. Four parts established by Durkheim were consensus, cooperation, stability, and equilibrium. Consensus meant everyone knew their job, cooperation meant everyone did their job, stability meant everyone did their job without being told usually by habit or routine, and equilibrium meant work stayed in balance over long periods of time. To conclude, sociology is a type of soft science that deals with norms and cultures revolving social creatures. The basic foundation of sociology is the belief that a person's attitudes, actions, and opportunities all shape the aspects of society. There are several founders of sociology including but not limited to Emilie Durkheim and Karl Marx who have laid out the groundwork for