Walt Disney was a hero from the very beginning. It all started in in Chicago, Illinois on December 5, 1901, when Disney was born. When he turned five years old, he and his family moved to a farm outside of Missouri. He and his family loved Missouri, so much that they even had a tradition. They would take Saturday morning trips into town every day to visit its neat rows of storefronts (Walt Disney …show more content…
In 1923, Disney and his brother Roy pooled their money together and rented out a small office in Los Angeles to start another studio (Where Are You From?- Credo Reference). They called it “Disney Brothers Studio” (The Walt Disney Studios). Their very first animated cartoon character was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (Where Are You From?- Credo Reference). The Disney brothers shared their idea with one of their employees, Charles Mintz. But there is an evil twist when it comes to Mintz. Mintz did not actually want to work for the Disney brothers and help them prosper into a famous animation company. Mintz’s attempt was to steal their idea of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and sell it as his own (Walt Disney). Disney was forced to give up all rights to Oswald, but soon bounced right back up and invented another character similar to Oswald. They called him Mickey …show more content…
They built the Inking, Painting, and Camera buildings across the street from the main studio. Disney eventually made the decision to expand the studio in the 1950s to include sound stages and production craft facilities (The Walt Disney Studios- History). The company prospered so much that he even held the patent for Technicolor for two years, making him the only animator allowed to make color films, and there was still more money to spend (Kim). Disney had enough money left over to make another film, one of which would be an even bigger success. He called it “Snow White and the Seven