Why Illegal Immigration Is Bad For America

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America’s economy is struggling. Millions of hard working American citizens have lost their jobs and fight to make ends meet. In addition, according to “Our Democratic Debt,” an article written in July of 2014, the federal government’s total debt is approaching $18 trillion (DeMuth). With this in mind, over eleven million undocumented immigrants reside in America. Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, which worsens this debt and burdens the economy. In order to subsidize illegal immigrants’ lack of tax paying and the so-called “free” governmental programs, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, that they take advantage of, Americans’ taxes increase greatly (Why Illegal Immigration is Bad for America). It is not financially smart to …show more content…
Although many educated and dedicated immigrants continue to enter the country, people are blinded by the stereotypes. America, once a country united by freedom, liberty, and equality has become a country bound by race, religion, and money. No longer do immigrants create strength and opportunity. Instead, they cause internal problems and add to already existing struggles. Those who properly follow the steps to become legal citizens prove to be dedicated and hardworking, while those who blatantly disobey American laws prove to be useless and dangerous. According to “Why Illegal Immigration is Bad for America,” because of illegal immigrants, the U.S./Mexico border is not safe anymore, compared to when illegal immigration was not as prevalent in the early 1900s. Drug cartels have made their way closer to the border, and the large amount of crime has led to increased incarceration of undocumented immigrants (Why Illegal Immigration is Bad for America). Without a doubt, America does not need a continuous incoming flow of illegal …show more content…
Although it is understandable that deporting eleven million people is not practical, and the plan provides undocumented immigrants a legal way to earn citizenship and be accountable for taxes and laws, there are still issues regarding population influx, economic deficits, and safety. Allowing the opportunity for naturalization for eleven million people does not solve the fact that within those eleven million people, drug cartels, criminals, uneducated people, and terrorists reside (Why Illegal Immigration is Bad for America). It does not solve the billions of dollars worth of debt due to illegal immigrants. Yes, these new citizens will begin to pay taxes, which will take away a large tax burden from current American citizens, but these eleven million people will now be in direct competition with the twenty million already unemployed Americans who search for jobs. President Obama’s plan for amnesty is

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