Essay On Accessibility In Health Care

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Health care has several issues that needs to be fixed but the biggest issue I believe is accessibility. I believe accessibility is a big problem within the health care industry because its not easy for all Americans to get access of. In 2019 the uninsured population may increase to 65.7 million people or 23.2% of the population In the United States of American the population is growing which means the systems needs to get even bigger than what it is. An estimate of the United States will be increased by 325 million within 2020 in a percentage tile it will have increase exactly 20%, According to Shana Sweency (2012), the information in the systems are not centralized and systems are not connected. When you have people that are unaware …show more content…
This act helps nonprofit organization more than they help for profit organizations. Health care reforms have a real impact on charitable nonprofit because of its health insurance benefits. Employers take this into consideration for their employees making it more accessible and affordable. Employees consider the health care benefits; and this is some reasons why nonprofit organizations retain talented staff. The way this is done when implementing the ACA “individuals in nonprofits ability to retain talented staff members.” This causes employees who have served by charitable nonprofits can access health insurance differently. ACA is a basic element that is important for any nonprofit whose mission intersects with the delivery of health care in our communities whether or nonprofit has employees. It’s not a requirement on employers to provide health insurance but there is a penalty under the acts stating the share responsibility. In 2015 the act implemented that there had to minimum level of insurance coverage to full time employees. These systems stated that nonprofits have to close at lease fifty full time employees. The full time employee is defined by the

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