Each column in this personality test helps to determine your personality by measuring key aspect of personality types. The first column in the Briggs Myers quiz is the Extroversion Introversion column, which focuses on how you look at the world weather you are focused on the outer world of more of your own inner world. the second column is the Sensing and intuition column, this column looks at how you deal with information do you focus on the basic information or do you look to interpret and add meaning to it. The third column is the thinking and feeling column, this looks at how you make decisions do you look more to logic and consistency or consider the circumstances that are at play like the good cop bad cop role. The last and final column, the judging and perceiving column, looks at how you deal with the outside world, are you quick to decision or do you stay open to new ideas. There are 16 different possible personality types the type I received in doing this quiz was ISFJ. I did have a column that was tied that column was third column thinking and feeling. I looked as results for both the ISFJ result and the possible migration result of ISTJ and cam to the conclusion that the ISFJ better fit me. The Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging (IFSJ) personality is considered the protector. Famous people that also have this personality type is mother teresa and Kate Middleton. the particular type is about 14% of the population with 19% of them being women and only 8% being men. This personality type puts others before ourselves which characterized me to a tee. The career I have decided to go into is Nursing which is a recommended career for a …show more content…
The Briggs Myers personality quiz should not he the sole deciding factor in your decision making process but does have insight on your personality traits that maybe not even you realized about yourself. For me I was a skeptic i though it was like all the astrology horoscopes readings and zodiac signs that i find to be too generic to give you a good picture of how it pertains to you. in the Briggs Myers quiz i went in to skeptical but came out understanding a little more about myself and what works best for me and if I had taken this before i married my last husband maybe i would have never gotten