During detention, he commits a countless amount of deviant acts, from talking back to the principal to having a knife in his pocket. John Bender comes from an abusive household and this may be a reason for his deviant behavior. He tells the other members of the “breakfast club” about his abusive father and shows Andrew Clark a burn on his arm from his father’s cigar. During the nine hour detention, he ruins school property by taking screws out of the library door and rips out pages from library books. He convinces the others to escape the library and go to his locker. Once he gets to his locker, he takes out a bag of marijuana and then hides it in Brian Johnson’s pants. Also when he returns to the library where detention is held, he smokes the marijuana and convinces Andrew, Claire, and Brian to smoke it as well. The sociological theory that would explain this type of deviance would be situations conducive to crime. The situations conducive to crime theory would explain John Bender’s deviant behavior because he engages in deviant behavior when he believes the benefits are higher than the costs. He commits most of these acts of deviance because he believes that the risk of getting in trouble for these acts is low. Another fundamental of the situations conducive to crime theory suggests that people who do not have a capable guardian are more likely to commit …show more content…
Her father reveals in the opening scenes that she received detention because she skipped school to go shopping. Although this is not as deviant as being suicidal, it is socially unacceptable to skip class in America. She comes from a rich household and many might assume that her life is perfect; however, she reveals to her classmates that her parents are constantly fighting and will soon get a divorce. The sociological theory that would best explain the reason behind these acts of deviance would be the labeling theory. The labeling theory best explains Claire’s deviant behavior because other members of society see her as the popular girl and she must ? She smokes marijuana because of John which is viewed as deviant. She tells her classmates after smoking the marijuana that she hates going along with her friends but is worried about what they will think if she does not follow along with