The Black Death During The Elizabethan Era Essay

Decent Essays
Alchin, Linda. "The Black Death & Bubonic Plague during the Elizabethan Era." Bubonic Plague. Siteseen Ltd, June 2015. Web. 14 Apr. 2016.
This source gave me an insight on the Black Death specifically during the Elizabethan Era. It also explained what people did to prevent it. Watchmen were used to give food to the sick people in “plague houses”, and they also made sure that no one entered or escaped from the house to prevent the illness from spreading. They were also given the job to transport the dead bodies in “death carts” to be put in mass graves. Because of this danger present in this job, the watchmen were well paid. But because the job made contracting the disease very easy, many of the people who were able to do the job died out.
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At the time of the Black Death, people did not understand advanced concepts of biology, so they did not understand the cause of the Plague. Because they did not understand it, they immediately related it to God punishing them. People believed that the only way to not contract the sickness was to “win God’s forgiveness”. They felt that they had to “purge” their communities of bad people. This led them to destroy entire communities of Jews. Through the years of 1348 and 1349, thousands of Jews were massacred. Other people reacted by trying to fix their own souls. They started joining processions of “flagellants” who would travel to various places and beat each other with heavy leather whips. This actually gave comfort to the people doing this, until the Pope began to worry about their actions. Because the Pope frowned upon this, the movement later dissolved. This article is very credible, as the website from which this was retrieved is renowned. The writing in the article itself had no errors, and the writing style was …show more content…
In Venice, they would isolate the sick people from the healthy people. They also issued a 40 day quarantine for all travelers entering Venice. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the doctors started using a weird costume which protected them from head to toe. They wore a beak shaped mask to put herbs in to ward off the disease. After the Venice outbreak, the Black Death in London began. This is where historians believe “Ring, a-ring, o’rosies” originated. The original poem is “Ring, a-ring, o’rosies, A pocket full of posies, Atishoo, atishoo, We all fall down”. “Ring, a-ring, o’rosies” refers to the red rash you get. “A pocket full of posies” refers to “posies”, which are herbs that everyone carried in their pockets to ward off the disease. “Atishoo” is the sneeze that people get which means that they have pneumonia. “We all fall down” means that they have died. “The History of Plague” shows the gruesome and sad life the people of Europe had to live with when the Plague was

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