Before you enter into marriage, it is your responsibility as a single to allow God to work out these problem areas. Marriage is not the cure or solution for your loneliness, sinful lusts, insecurities, hurts, laziness and other vices. Whatever you are before marriage is what you will bring into the marriage. Nothing changes at the altar. How you are as a single person is how you will be in your marriage. So work on the areas in your life that need improvement while you are single so that you don’t bring those shortcomings into someone else’s life. It’s not fair for them to have to tolerate issues that could have been addressed before marriage. God will help you. He will empower you to overcome any habit or addiction that’s weighing you down and hindering you from being complete in Him. These weaknesses have to be addressed before we say the words “I do”. There are many singles who believe that when they find that special someone, he or she will complete them. This is not the case at all. Finding that “perfect” person will not make you complete or whole. They may satisfy you for a short period of time, but its total fulfillment that can only be found in God. Finding someone to make you whole is a common misconception among many singles. A person should be complete within themselves before joined with another person. Because God loves us so much, He wants the very best for our …show more content…
This is God’s desire for you. Just like Jesus asked that sickly man who suffered from his infirmity in the book of John, “will you be made whole?” This same question is being asked of you today. God is willing, ready and capable of putting all the broken pieces of your life back together. You just have to acknowledge your need for him. Surrender all your issues and problems to God believing he can fix them. You have to realize that you are incomplete and broken without him. As a single, you should never believe another single is capable of completing you. This line of thinking can run you the risk of great disappointment in the end. Even if you think a person could be your soul mate, it is not their job to make you whole or complete. This is not the purpose of a soul mate. If you have deep needs and look for someone outside of God to fill those needs, there will be unnecessary stress put on this relationship and you will become discouraged. This is not fair to the other party involved. You are putting demands and expectations on this person who is incapable of meeting them. We should never want to use someone else to escape our realities, needs, issues and duties. Your expectations should be in God alone. Man is flawed with many imperfections. The Bible instructs us to not put our trust in Man. The book of Psalms says it this way: “don’t put your trust in human leaders. Don’t trust in