The Berkeley Pit

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Silicosis, a life threatening lung disease that can severely harm your ability to breathe. Starting in 1955, the Berkeley Pit became well known as a large truck-operated, open-air copper mine in Butte Montana. The unusually high copper prices resulted in the Anaconda Copper Mining Company opening many pit mines, including the Berkeley Pit. Buying up two communities and a lot of Butte’s previous population, the company was able to clear out a pit site. But after the discovery of very acidic sources and harsh effects, the Berkeley pit ceased mining in 1982; even today, the mine is still a hazard and causes problems for the surrounding community and environment. (“Berkeley Pit”, 2016) As a local mine, the Berkeley Pit has not only a large impact …show more content…
In the November of 1995, there was a large incident that occurred in the Berkeley Pit. When a flock of migrating snow geese landed in the Berkeley Pit, they were trapped for several days due to inclement weather and dense fog which prevented them from leaving. After the bad weather cleared up, there were 342 geese found dead in the pit. Acute studies proved that the geese died from the toxic water that corroded the birds’ esophagi over the days when they were trapped in the Berkeley Pit. Scientists at Colorado State University used a necropsy to further find that the infection was caused by tainted grains. Other researchers proposed the idea that the birds suffered burns and festering sores from exposure to high concentrations of copper, cadmium, and arsenic. To prevent this from happening again, loud sounds of animal distress are installed in the area to scare away the birds. Workers also fire off shotguns and loud rifles to stop the birds from landing in the pit. They also have loud electronic noises along with predator cries all in prevention of this incident from happening again. (“Casualties of Copper: The Berkeley Pit, Montana”, 2015). Along with the loud noises, observation decks with scopes and spotlights were also installed. Yet, over 20 years later, the same incident repeats itself but at an even larger scale. On November 28, 2016, the snow geese once again …show more content…
In an article reported in New Scientist Magazine, the authors stated that “every cloud has a silver lining”. This statement could be used to describe the health benefit of the chemicals in the Berkeley Pit. Scientists have tested and found that this pit which has been designated as being hazardous is also a source of chemicals that can possibly help fight off migraines and even cancers. "It's exciting to know that something toxic and dangerous might contain something of value," says Andrea Stierle, a chemist at the University of Montana in Butte. Not long ago, her team of scientists uncovered dissolved metal compounds like iron pyrites. They also discovered novel forms of bacteria and fungi; specifically, pithomyces fungi which produces a compound that “binds to a receptor that causes migraines and could block headaches”. Another type of fungi that she found a strain of penicillium fungi which inhibits the growth of lung cancer cells. (“Dirty old mine has rich seam of drugs”, 2006). The discovery of possible pharmaceuticals to treat lung cancers was an unforeseen positive usage that comes with all the negative aspects of the Berkeley

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