The Benefits Of Plagiarism

Superior Essays
Students who study at New Zealand 's colleges and universities are accustomed to copying because they do not want to fail in the exam and be humiliated. Plagiarism is equal to cheating, "an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author 's work as one 's own, as by not crediting the original author" (Johnson, 1755. British & World English dictionary). If students produce their own, original work, the definition should be problematic, otherwise, there is just one result that can happen, failure. Therefore, being dismissed is one of best methods to solve plagiarism problem. Students ought to build their knowledge by their selves. The problem …show more content…
Although students realize this, they still continue to cheat and cheat again. When one person goes to university, they should have learned what things they should and should not do. On the other hand, some university have same institution. “Universities need to be more proactive in: developing strategies of raise student awareness of the unacceptability of student plagiarism, setting up programmes to promote academic integrity" (Walker, 1998). Students cheating other’s idea when they use knowledge that has been created from elsewhere without explain the source. The advantage of plagiarism which is save time and students can get more free time to do other things, so they transmit the homework, in order to clear their work time and get more time for games. The bad collective consciousness shows in a wrong way, but they are still feeling well.
Secondly, students cannot keep working without copying someone else. To understand the meaning of plagiarism, it may be useful to ask yourself the question: 'Whose knowledge is it? ' or 'who created it?’ This reminds students that they cannot cheat any more, but some of them still cheat, even if students help each other to cheat in the exam. They can also gain a high marks in this easy way. Consequently, students are difficult to change this
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One of this example appeared in National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), about fifteen students cheated in the NCEA exam. Finally, they had their qualification cancelled and they cannot go in for the exam for two years. Schools and teachers just want to see how students learn and comment. "Feedback is also telling people that NCEA prepares students well for university classes and further exercise. The mix of internal and external assessment in NCEA gives students achievement results that show a plentiful and accuracy picture of their skills and knowledge and this is what employers, university and polytechnics, both in New Zealand and overseas are wanting to see." (Tapaleao, 2013). Dismissal can control students not to plagiarise, if a student need to leave school is so humiliation, student means teenager, they cannot suffer from this. For the educational institutions, plagiarism produce a false mark from students, so they cannot know how real the students’ mark are. In New Zealand’s universities, there have many foreign students, educational services cannot see the real result so they can never adjust for the difficulty in a right way. If all over the world know that New Zealand’s university have a big plagiarism problem, foreign students ' parents will not send their child to New Zealand any more, a huge

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