According to an article of the name “Burger Battles,” it defines ‘obesity’ as the condition of weighing greater than twenty percent above the weight recommended for each individual’s height (Weekly Reader 3). Eating fast food causes the consumers to become overweight. Jennifer L. Harris, from Yale, states that “the number of teens who are overweight has tripled since 1980, and the number of overweight kids younger than thirteen has more than doubled during the same period (Weekly Reader 2).” One of the main theories of why the rate of obesity is increasing in children is because they tend to eat out more, or eat unhealthy …show more content…
The trans fats can greaten or lessen certain kinds of cholesterol, both good and bad. This change in cholesterol has the opportunity to lower HDL cholesterol and increase a person’s chance to obtain type 2 diabetes (Pietrangelo). The last effect that can occur with the help of fast food is the increase of sodium introduced to a person’s body. Extra sodium in a person’s body can lead to bloating and puffiness, because sodium helps the body retain water (Pietrangelo). Other than changes in the external features of the body, sodium also causes changes internally. These changes include high blood pressure or an enlarged heart, while also increasing someone’s risk of several cancers like stomach cancer. The American Heart Association states, “Children who have a high-sodium diet are at twice the risk for developing high blood pressure than children on a low-sodium diet (Pietrangelo).”
Fast-food can also affect the respiratory system. These meals cause the respiratory system to have a hard time breaking down the food, which can lead to obesity. Obesity causes individuals to have shortness of breath or wheezing occur. Becoming obese also affects the development of sleep apnea and asthma (Pietrangelo). Thorx, a journal, had posted that “children who eat fast food at least three times a week are at an increased risk of asthma