“When I pulled
Off the pants and the diapers there were more bruises.
Bruises and worse.
The Indian child was a girl. A girl, poor thing. That fact had
Already burdened her short life with a kind of misery I could not imagine. …show more content…
When Taylor writes to her mother her headlight are coming with her, this proves that she is willing to commit to the child. Therefore, Turtle starts to become lively and intellectual; Turtles first sound was a laugh. This demonstrates the happiness in Turtles life at that point. I think that sound was a laugh. It must have been true. She was hanging on to Lou Ann’s boob tube for dear life, and smiling. (96) That is to say, Turtle develops a connection with the earth that links back to her Native American heritage. Bean, Turtle said. Humbean. (96) Subsequently, Turtle discovers her passion; identifying vegetables, playing with seeds and dirt, songs and books about vegetables. Accordingly, Turtle’s interests generate an image of a garden that relates to Turtle growing with it. Also, the interest in nature symbolizes that her past made her grow stronger and break down the wall she built. Hence, Turtle is no longer a troubled child, but one that want to play and have fun. Correspondingly, Turtle is charming and talkative; she begins to develop a relationship with people from Tucson that surround her. Before saying their name, she adds Ma in front, which creates an image of a family. “[Turtle] . . . entertained me with her vegetable-soup song, except that now there were people mixed in with the beans and potatoes: Dwayne Ray, Mattie, Esperanza, Lou Ann and