Muhammad the prophet visited Mecca, in 632 C.E, from his home in banishment at Medina, setting an example to all dedicated Muslims around the world. Each year, Muslims from all over will come together for the pilgrimage to Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, which is better known as Hajj. There is a process in order to get to Mecca as well as a process for when you are at the Ka 'aba, the cube-like building which is the center of the Muslim world. Participating in the Hajj is recognized as a very emotional experience. For women, a male relative must grant permission in order for the woman 's journey. Also, individuals of both genders must get a certificate from the Mosque that they actively attend. It is very important, and required, for everyone to wear a two piece uniform, bringing unison to all. The human soul is one factor when involved in the Hajj, you must join the free flow of millions of people attending, circle the Ka 'aba seven times while worshipping one god. Every act performed during the Hajj, is a copy of what Muhammad the prophet had done in 632 C.E. Later, individuals must walk between two hilltops seven times, fast paced, in search of water. Muhammad 's faith is found in the Islamic community today. This faith consists of the Five Pillars of Islam which state that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad is his prophet, that they must pray daily to this one God, Allah, while facing the direction of Mecca, that they must fast during the daylight hours of Ramadan, they must contribute alms for the relief of the weak and the poor, and lastly that those who are financially stable must partake in the Hajj, and make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime. "Although Islam has generated many schools and sects in the centuries since its appearance, the Five Pillars of Islam constitute a powerful framework that has bound the 'umma ' as a whole into a cohesive
Muhammad the prophet visited Mecca, in 632 C.E, from his home in banishment at Medina, setting an example to all dedicated Muslims around the world. Each year, Muslims from all over will come together for the pilgrimage to Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, which is better known as Hajj. There is a process in order to get to Mecca as well as a process for when you are at the Ka 'aba, the cube-like building which is the center of the Muslim world. Participating in the Hajj is recognized as a very emotional experience. For women, a male relative must grant permission in order for the woman 's journey. Also, individuals of both genders must get a certificate from the Mosque that they actively attend. It is very important, and required, for everyone to wear a two piece uniform, bringing unison to all. The human soul is one factor when involved in the Hajj, you must join the free flow of millions of people attending, circle the Ka 'aba seven times while worshipping one god. Every act performed during the Hajj, is a copy of what Muhammad the prophet had done in 632 C.E. Later, individuals must walk between two hilltops seven times, fast paced, in search of water. Muhammad 's faith is found in the Islamic community today. This faith consists of the Five Pillars of Islam which state that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad is his prophet, that they must pray daily to this one God, Allah, while facing the direction of Mecca, that they must fast during the daylight hours of Ramadan, they must contribute alms for the relief of the weak and the poor, and lastly that those who are financially stable must partake in the Hajj, and make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca in their lifetime. "Although Islam has generated many schools and sects in the centuries since its appearance, the Five Pillars of Islam constitute a powerful framework that has bound the 'umma ' as a whole into a cohesive