The Walls family was constantly on the move because of their parents. One time they decided to leave the town they were in. On their way out Jeanette explains, “Just then we took a sharp turn over some railroad tracks, the door flew open, and I tumbled out of the car. I rolled several yards along the embankment, and when I came to a stop, I was too shocked to cry, with my breath knocked out and grit and pebbles in my eyes and mouth. I lifted my head in time to watch the Green Caboose get smaller and smaller and then disappear around a bend (Walls 18).…
In the memoir The Glass Castle written by Jeannette Walls, Jeannette endures many events that have shaped her childhood and made her the woman she is today. One day when Jeannette was cooking hot dogs at just the age of three she caught on fire and was burned badly, later being rushed to the hospital. After being in the hospital, this life threatening event turned out not to be the worst thing that could have happened to her. In fact she turned out to enjoy the time she spent during her stay there. Being a part of the Wall’s family you quickly learn to fend for yourself when it comes to education, food, clothes and survival in general.…
Individual vs. Society In our society today, what is considered good parenting includes showing love and compassion to children, making sure to provide for their needs and to teach them good moral standards to live by. On the contrary, not loving a child, making choices that lead to not being capable to provide, and not teaching them socially acceptable behavior is considered irresponsible parenting and even neglect. In The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls retells the story of her childhood growing up with nonconformist parents who, according to society, were irresponsible. Her parents create their own society that justifies their way of living, ignoring how it might affect their children.…
In this excerpt from the memoir, The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls creates a somber tone towards the town of Welch. Jeannette develops this tone through the use of repetition and word choice. The word choice throughout this excerpt is always heavy-hearted and gloomy. Jeannette's purpose is to portray the town in a horrid way to show that this was the turning point in her life when she lost her purity and began to see the world in reality. Jeannette Walls suggests repetition when she talks in this excerpt.…
The Glass Castle The Glass Castle is a memoir written by Jeannette Walls in 2005. The book recounts Jeannettes childhood experiences that lead up to her success in becoming a famous author. The book begins in Jeannettes adulthood after she has dealt with the affects of her destructive upbringing. It is a cold night in March in New York City and Jeannette is sitting in a taxi that is driving her to an upscale party.…
The story revolves around the various experiences Jennette has in each of the locations that she lives in. The main characters in the book are the various members of the Walls family which consists of Rex Walls, Rose Mary Walls, Lori Walls, Brian Walls, Maureen Walls, and Jeannette. Rex Walls is the father of the family, he thinks of himself as a wild animal,…
In the Walls family, the three eldest children-Lori, Jeannette, and Brian-all ended up living good lives, both financially and emotionally. They realized they didn’t want to be like their parents, and that drove them to try to live better lives. However, the lack of parental guidance while the children were growing up took its toll on the youngest child, Maureen. After moving to New York and then later moving back in with her parents, she fell into the habits of drugs, alcohol, and smoking. Soon after these habits began, Maureen stabbed her mother; although it was not fatal, Maureen had to spend a year in a hospital.…
In Jeannette Walls’ narrative piece, The Glass Castle, the most consisting theme of the novel is abuse through neglect, which is demonstrated by her own parents. According to Webster's Standard Dictionary, abuse means “Vicious or cruel treatments; to injure by mistreating”. Specifically, child neglect is the failure of a parent or guardian to provide the necessities for a child, such as: shelter, safety, supervision and nutritional needs. In this novel, Jeannette’s parents, alongside others, are the abusers. At a very young age, Jeanette and her siblings suffered from abuse through neglect on various occasions because their parents weren’t watching over them and didn’t take responsibility.…
Being frustrated, Robert insisted to help him, by placing his hand over the narrator’s so they can draw the Cathedral together. This particular scene allows the readers to have a visual image through the choice of words the author uses. On the other hand, “The Yellow Wallpaper” uses more detail to capture the readers attention. The author uses strong imagery, giving the reader a visual interpretation of conflict that arises between the narrator and her husband, John. The narrator undergoes a mental breakdown when she is convinced that the yellow wallpaper in her bathroom is playing tricks on her.…
In the late 1800’s, the dynamic of men and women made it so women were inferior to men. Women were looked upon as having no impact on society other than to have children and take care of the home. It was difficult for women to express themselves in a world controlled by men. The men held the jobs, received educations, and ruled society. In "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the narrator experiences this kind of control from her husband, John.…
Every person in society sees the world in some abstract way. Some never lose that vision and their thoughts on the world only become more abstract. Each of those thought processes has a beginning though, whether it is through an addiction of some sorts or mental illness. The Yellow Wall-Paper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, creates a perception of a woman who is slipping from reality as every waking moment passes by. A wall that the character stares at shifts to where she starts to see a woman stuck within the wall-paper.…
Growing up wasn’t trouble-free for the children, as they had to move from place to place in such rushed time. Yet, they still shed light on their conflicting situations and gradually made the best out of it. While there were those who were fortunate and effortlessly received accessories or any sort from their parents, the Walls children were looking forward to just having their basic needs. Paychecks would be cashed at lucky occasions, and the family would head over to a restaurant to eat what would be considered a week’s worth of groceries. For instance, on the day of payday in Battle Mountain, Jeannette stated that “Dad insisted we go to the Owl Club to celebrate payday, and ordered steaks for all of us.…
In Jeannette Walls’ memoir, The Glass Castle, the Walls kids have unfit parents who couldn't take care of them or themselves. Rex and Rosemary are very unique characters because they show that they care for their kids, but they're not putting an effort into raising their children as parents should. The dad in the situation is an alcoholic who sometimes get violent with their mom and he doesn't know how to keep a job. The mom on the other hand is more of an adventurous person, who just wants to live like a teenager and rather be an artist than a teacher. Some of the problems the kids have growing up was hunger, not having much clothes, moving around a lot, not getting to shower, and having to deal with their parents.…
Do you ever ponder the idea of why every family is so diverse and why people act the way they act? This family studies class offers an exploration of unique families, how to manage resources, environmental influences, and the important steps in the decision making process. All of these factors come in play when answering why people are the way they are and the varying traits within families. The Glass Castle, written by Jeannette Walls is a memoir that expresses the hardships and obstacles she faced while growing up.…
Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a commentary on the empowerment of women. Beaten down by a society that is ruled by men, the narrator decides that she has had enough and takes matters into her own hands. During the time the story was written, woman struggled to find a sense of individuality. They spent their lives being suppressed and could do little about it. The narrator challenges this suppression and evolves into a woman who will not be dominated by men.…