The Turkification campaign had begun. They consisted of government squads of the Turkish. Their job was to kidnap Armenian children and convert them into Islam. Once that is complete they gave them to Turkish families to raise. The government squads also raped Armenian woman they forced the women to join Turkish "harems" and also made them serve as slaves as well.
They were treated very poorly. For example they were sent into the desert with no food or water and they were stripped naked and forced to walk under the sun until they die. If you had stopped walking to rest you were shot. They were also being hunted down by Turkish "Special Organizations”. “These consisted of "killing squads "and "butcher battalions." …show more content…
They were butchered by the squads and battalions. They drowned them and rivers and threw them off cliffs. Also they were killed by ex-convicts who crucified them and burn them alive. So basically anyone who was being killed was being killed for fun by the ex-convicts, squads, and the