Martin Luther King once said, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never never lose infinite hope.” This is a very strong theme conveyed throughout The Almond Tree. It teaches how hope must never be forgotten while withstanding trials. This theme is seen several times throughout the book as a young boy, Ichmad, and his family as they go through many trials that they must overcome. Michelle Corasanti is able to display this by the use of symbols. One of the most frequent symbols used, hence the title of the book, is the almond tree. Not only does this help support the theme of the book, but it stands for and represents a variety of different ideas. The almond tree is an indirect tool that Corasanti uses multiple times to display and symbolize a meaning of hope, safety, and reassurance throughout the novel. …show more content…
Through thick and thin, the tree remained standing tall in perhaps every tough moment the characters faced. It grew and grew, just as Ichmad and his family were able to grow and press forward with their many trials. The tree was always there supporting them. While it remained strong, it gave the characters, such as Ichmad, courage to press forward. Not only that, but the tree provided the distraught family a source of light hiding in the midst of their dark and cruel world. Although the tree seemed like a small and meaningless object, the family recognized its importance, “It was a miracle, really, that this tree still stood.” (Corasanti 347). Therefore, the almond tree gave them something to smile about when it seemed as if they had