B is for Blood because there was blood when the Janjaweed found Salva’s group. They took Salva’s uncle and killed him. There was also blood when the people were being shot as they swam across the river.
C is for Crocodiles because Salva’s group swam through crocodile infested waters. As they swam many people didn’t live because they were shot or eaten by a crocodile.
D is for Dinka because that is the name of Salva’s tribe. The Nuer and Dinka tribe are fighting and have been for years.
E is for Ethiopia because Salva’s group travels to a refugee camp here. Ethiopia is located to the East of Sudan, Salva’s native country.
F is for Fear because …show more content…
The Janjaweed is a terrorist group in Sudan.
K is for Killing because the Janjaweed group is killing people. When Salva crosses the river, the boy who grabs his neck is killed. Uncle is also killed on their way to Ethiopia.
L is for Lion because a lion takes the life of one of Salva’s friends. He is killed during the night.
M is for Marial because when Salva was in his group, he was really lonely because he was the only kid. In his group, he discovered a kid his age. They weren’t friends for long though because Marial was killed by a lion in the middle of the night.
N is for Nya because the other character in the book is named Nya. Nya grows up about twenty years after Salva. In the end of the book, Nya and Salva are connected when Salva comes to Nya’s village to build a well.
O is for Obstacles because Salva faces many obstacle on his journey to Ethiopia and to Kenya. He walks through a hot desert, swims across a dangerous river, lives on little food and water, and has to stay away from the Janjaweed group that wants to kill