The millennial generation has difficulties coping with stress due to their lack of stress tolerance. Presently, college students face a variety of stressful factors such as financial hardship, limited job opportunities, competition amongst peers, and social stressors. The pressure that college students undergo can be overwhelming for some. Ones mood can be harmfully affected, which in turn will create more stress for that individual resulting in an ongoing cycle. Furthermore, a vast amount of colleges have developed programs that can help students deal with the amount of distress they are experiencing (LaFountaine, 2016). Universities have been challenged with this issue recently and have developed studies that investigate which interventions are the most successful in alleviating stress in college students. Studies indicate that few college students receive the help they need in relation to their stress problems (Regehr, …show more content…
Behavioral activation is a form of psychotherapy that enables people to engage in activities that promote positive mood. This includes everyday activities such as, setting goals, improving relationships, learning new skills and exercise that can be monitored to track an individual’s progress. For example, research has been conducted on the positive effects exercise has had on ones stress levels (Stanthopoulou, 2006). In a study done by Brand (2010), athletes had increased mood scores when compared to the control subjects. In comparison to athletes the control subjects did not participate in daily physical activity. Thus, individuals who participate in more physical activity than the average person will have better mood scores. Evidence has illustrated that those whom exercise in excess can potentially damage their health and mood. When discussing physical activity, moderation is a key factor in order to regulate a healthy amount of exercise. Physical activity can benefit ones mood or maintain it at high levels if it is practiced abstemiously. (Peluso, 2005). Consequently, ones overall mood is determined by the amount of physical activity one performs over a time