Michelle Jenkins is a licensed witch and works at The Sojourner at 414 Evans street downtown Greenville. At The Sojourner Michelle conducts meditation, tarot card readings, jewelry, and much more. Michelle is a great witch and is willing to help students learn about what it means to be a witch and accurately practice the rituals and meditations. She is easily reached through emails at…. walk ins at The sojourner or on the company 's website at…..Her and The Sojourner staff made me feel welcomed and safe as I experienced modern witchcraft for the first time. I strongly recommend future students to choose to explore Modern witchcraft as a field experience.
The Actual Experience The interview and the flied experience occurred …show more content…
She asked us to breathe will envisioning our spirit animal. Next we were instructed to leave the animal and allow our inner self to show us who we were in another lifetime. It vis safe to say Michelle was a firm believer of reincarnation and the idea of karma similar to the Hindu religion. She wanted us to see our past life bodies and surroundings. The deeper the meditation and freeness the mind the clearer the picture and message one will receive from their past life. She wanted us to explore the message and lesson our self wanted us to learn. The lesson could arrive from surroundings, landscapes, other people, and even the way they died. To me it seemed as if we were meditating for 10 minutes at most was actually full mediation of 50 minutes. Time had indeed escaped us. I was shocked and amazed at how fast time had passed with me focused on a single point with no …show more content…
She walked us through the stages again so we could easily recall our thoughts. Curious if this is just a thing beginners do She assured me that it is the process of figuring out your meaning on Earth now and what you can take with you to your next life. The first stage was to think of your spirit animal. Mine appeared as a turtle with its head poking slightly out. Michelle interrupted that 's as me being half way comfortable in the society I reside in. Being half way in my shell I take precautions when it comes to opening up fully to people because the fear or danger or vulnerability. Next we had to envision our reincarnated self, their surroundings, a lesson, and their death. I saw a little girl playing alone in a field of sunflowers. As the child grew the sunflowers slowly died and she was still alone. She died looking at the sky holding the only sunflower that survived. I had no clue on what that meant or how to begin to intrrupt. When I asked Michelle she told me she will not tell me my destiny or lesson and it was my duty to myself and future self to understand my vision. I thanked Michelle and David for inviting me to their space and exploring their faith and left still thinking of my