The 1700s: The War Of Austrian Succession

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The great issue dominating Austria in the 1700s was the War of Austrian Succession, occurring just decades after the War of Spanish Succession, both similar in the struggle of power between the ruling kingdoms of Europe. The War of Austrian Succession, however, related to a feud over the remaining Habsburg territories, drawing in the nations of France, Spain, Prussia on one side and Austria, Britain, and Holland on the other. The War of Austrian Succession soon became a major international conflict, stemming from the question of Maria Theresa’s succession to the Austrian throne, which in turn had repercussions on the individual countries of Europe, as well as Europe altogether. As the reign of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI neared its end, his foreign policy became devoted to ensuring the succession of his daughter, Maria Theresa to the Austrian throne. According to the Pragmatic Succession issued in 1713, all Habsburg lands would pass intact to the eldest heir, male or female. While the document was …show more content…
She was eventually forced to negotiate a peace settlement which confirmed Prussia’s control over Silesia. Even though war ended between Austria and Prussia, conflict continued between the other major European powers. In particular long- since enemies, France and Britain, fought over France’s growing power and who would control the Indian subcontinent and New World. In the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, France withdrew from the Netherlands in return for the restoration of colonial possessions. The start of the War of Austrian Succession was originally sparked by the death of King Charles VI, but soon grew into an international bloodbath as European powers selfishly desired for wealth, power, and land. The war was an important step in recognizing Prussia as a strong European power and truly revealed the inner works of political diplomacy in the continent of

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