First, whenever drivers rush, they either get into an accident or stuck in rush-hour traffic. The effect of rushing is because of an unexpected situation that happens. For instance, the alarm doesn’t go off, lost track of time or the tension of their wife made them leave late. Furthermore, as soon as drivers get into an accident, they have to wait for the police. In this case, the police have to file a record by taking their ID and License Plate. If drivers’ cars were totaled, they have to call a tow truck. These effects drivers to be in a hurry and tension. Consequently, when drivers rush they speed, they are more aggressive due to stress and un-expectation. …show more content…
The moment drivers are receiving notifications; they are looking down at the phone in their lap responding. As a result, they are not able to navigate accurately on the road. Drivers that are driving behind, blow the horn to the drivers in front, and that can cause drivers that are distracted to respond unexpectedly by breaking hard or regaining speed. Moreover, drivers, who have a passenger in their vehicle, will put their passenger’s life at risk of being killed in an accident. For the most part, the distraction of their phones diverts the drivers’