Lawrence v. Texas is a highly significant case for the Gays and Lesbians, and a turning point for these Texans. The case violated the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and came to a decision that citizens of Texas are able to legally have personal relationships without the fear of punishment or criminal classification ( Along with that, there have been major developments such as the legalization of Gay marriage. This group of people do not have close to the equality they deserve, and the respect that they need, but there has been a great amount of improvements for them to achieve equal
Lawrence v. Texas is a highly significant case for the Gays and Lesbians, and a turning point for these Texans. The case violated the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and came to a decision that citizens of Texas are able to legally have personal relationships without the fear of punishment or criminal classification ( Along with that, there have been major developments such as the legalization of Gay marriage. This group of people do not have close to the equality they deserve, and the respect that they need, but there has been a great amount of improvements for them to achieve equal