Texas Drought Analysis

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The video “Drought Caused by Decreasing Water Supply in Texas,”focused on the recent drought and record temperatures in Texas. The community is having to cut back on their water supply due to the lack of it. In Texas, seventeen systems are predicted to run out of water in six months or less. The community have made drastic conservation efforts and they have been working so far, but if water supply continues to decrease the town of Robert Lee has worked so far, but if the reserves deplete at current levels, this town will run out of water by the end of March. For now Texas is building a lifeline, which is a 12-mile-long trench across West Texas. Texas expects to need 130% more water over the next 50 years. And the state admits that, if it doesn’t …show more content…
More than 90% of the tart cherry crop was lost when freezing weather followed an unusually warm spring at Royal Farms. In Michigan, temperatures reached nearly 14 degrees Fahrenheit above the state average. This indeed pushed the trees to a stage of development that was about five and half weeks ahead of their normal development. This unfortunately, left the fruit buds vulnerable to the cold. Between March and May, there were more than a dozen nights where temperatures were below freezing. These nights killed the cherries that were growing. The wet and cool temperatures left fruit trees vulnerable to diseases like bacterial canker, which invades the tissue and can permanently damage …show more content…
The lower the pH, the higher the acidity. Oceans have acidified by 30% from pre-industrial levels, and scientists expect that number will increase to 100% by the end of the century. As acidity increases, animals like scallops and oysters have a hard getting the calcium carbonate they need to build their shells. Their shells become thinner, growth slows down, and death rates rise. Reefs are extremely sensitive to both warming and acidification. When pH falls, they have a difficult time creating sturdy skeletons and evidence proves that it is harder for corals to reproduce when the ocean acidity

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