Based on my analysis of Gou’s leadership, I feel that Gou cannot be considered as an effective leader. Despite achieving several commendable successes for his company, there is still much room for improvement for Gou before he can be considered as an effective leader.
Key issues in Gou’s …show more content…
As organisations and society transform, the requirements and definitions of leaders have also evolved. While there is no absolute definition of a great leader, there is a continuous struggle in search for a more comprehensive understanding on leadership.
Possessing leadership traits is not enough
In the past, the “Great Man Theory” was an extremely popular notion of leadership which asserts that leadership is an inborn quality. Soon after, “Traits Theory” came as a modification to the “Great Man Theory”, arguing that traits and qualities need not be inborn, but could be acquired.
Although Gou possesses most leadership traits namely drive, leader motivation, integrity, knowledge of business, and self-confidence, that did not make him an effective leader. Hence, I would like to bring up the point that while there might be a certain degree of correctness in both theories above, the two theories are more likely to be prerequisites of a leader and tend to be more applicable in the past.
With a changing landscape in management and followers’ rising expectations of leaders, leadership is no longer defined by the attributes of a leader, but the ability to collaborate with his people to work towards a common goal.
Building rapport with followers to work towards a common …show more content…
As such, it is important that leaders exhibit group maintenance behaviors.
In my humble opinion, a good leader should encompass both task-oriented and relationship-driven behaviors. A positive relationship between leaders and followers is essential for followers to share the same vision as their leader. Only then, they will be driven and strive towards achieving a greater good for the