However, they did not provide the expected changes that they had hoped to. I would argue that term limits have actually caused many negative effects; lowering the amount of competition in political races, lowering the amount of money available for parties to campaign and challenge incumbents and finally, causing challengers to wait for an easier race. While term limits have created more competition within open seat elections, it has caused challengers to wait for opportunity, which in my opinion offers the voting community less chance for change. Open seats are much easier to win for candidates versus closed seats with established incumbents. I believe that it has removed the complex nature of electoral competition. Term limits have given incumbents more power because challengers are now less likely to challenge and political parties have less funding and resources to allocate to races. Prior to term limits, challengers were faced with the option of running or giving an incumbent an even stronger chance of holding a seat hostage and it was because of this that challengers were much more likely to create a competitive campaign against incumbents for closed seats. Now, challengers have the opportunity to wait a relatively small amount of time, to avoid the great nature of electoral competition and wait for an easier opportunity for a win. It is because of
However, they did not provide the expected changes that they had hoped to. I would argue that term limits have actually caused many negative effects; lowering the amount of competition in political races, lowering the amount of money available for parties to campaign and challenge incumbents and finally, causing challengers to wait for an easier race. While term limits have created more competition within open seat elections, it has caused challengers to wait for opportunity, which in my opinion offers the voting community less chance for change. Open seats are much easier to win for candidates versus closed seats with established incumbents. I believe that it has removed the complex nature of electoral competition. Term limits have given incumbents more power because challengers are now less likely to challenge and political parties have less funding and resources to allocate to races. Prior to term limits, challengers were faced with the option of running or giving an incumbent an even stronger chance of holding a seat hostage and it was because of this that challengers were much more likely to create a competitive campaign against incumbents for closed seats. Now, challengers have the opportunity to wait a relatively small amount of time, to avoid the great nature of electoral competition and wait for an easier opportunity for a win. It is because of