Tennage sexual behavior are issues of concern in the world .In a society like the United states where the subject of sex is considerate as taboo in many families, Amy Schalet in her essay "the sleepover question" claims that parents should communicate more about sex to their kids, she suggest that it is still possible for families to stay connected when teenagers start having sex.While, many people agree with her that a better communication between parents and teens is necessary for a better understanding of sexual intercourse , others suggest like Joy Walker in his study “Parents and sex education-looking beyond the bird and the bees” that sex education from parents matter but, it is also important that the media, the schools get involved and play their roles to solve the problem of tennage sex and the consequences.Thus, a breakdown of Amy Schalet text is indispensable .How Amy Schalet introduces and establish her claim , how she appeals to her audience will be subject of examination in the following paragraphs.
Definition Teenage
Before going further in the diagnosis of Amy Schalet , the definition of a teenager is a prerequisite. A teenager by definition is a person aged from 13 to 18.In …show more content…
Futhermore, she suggests that “ the sleepover question “ with the opposite sex that they try to avoid can be a great source for teenage to learn more about sex and will also tighten up the family links between teenage and parents. She clearly states “it is possible for families to stay connected when teenagers start having sex and that if they do, the transition into adulthood need not be so painful” (p.484). In other words, Amy Schalet believes that it is necessary for families to have an open conversation about sex early in their kids