Teledentistry Essay

Decent Essays
teledentistry has been used in many aspects of a dental field such as different dental specialties by providing advice from distant areas and we can use it in learning for both under and post graduate student.

Many tools are used in teledentistry. The major one is good access to the internet, intra and extra oral digital camera, video conferencing system, digital and portable radiograph system, laser and fluorescence caries detection device and computer.

tele consultation in teledentistry can be done by two methods or ways. The first one is real-time consultation which is between dentist and patient. They can share information and communicate with each other. The second one is store and forward method. This method involving store of data
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It is very important and usefulness in urgent conditions which need immediate intervention from different specialties. smart phones are able to show a 3d image of skeleton, face,arches and teeth. Also, show all information about a patient who will undergo surgery procedures. New technologies allow a different specialist to observe the surgery from one part of the world and from the other one there are another who construct it path.

In prosthodontics : video conference is effective in prosthodontics by providing consultant in diagnosis and planning for treatment for a patient who need any dental prostheses.also,teledentistry helps practitioner who is not very skillful to send a file to tele consultant specialist containing all the information about prosthetheses and then they send their feedback.

In endodontic : many of periapical lesions can be detected and diagnosing by teledentistery. Sending radiograph of teeth and root to experienced dentists and their feedback helps new dentist to recognize root canal

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